As promised – we have tried to make this seamless and continuous from what we have already been doing as well as anticipatory and flexible.
There will be more content added from time to time -- so read -- pray -- and ask God to help you decide what your family needs this year.
Sacraments will happen in the context of this journey – but no one needs to worry about anything during first quarter unless you hear otherwise from Colleen. We want you to ease in. We’ll be in touch with sacrament families separately after registration is complete. If your children are missing sacraments (even if they're in high school) – please email Colleen separately – we can take care of that as well. Additionally – if you are a family that has questions about an adult (over 18) receiving sacraments, marriage, annulment, divorce, or getting your civil marriage convalidated ("blessed in the Church”), please also reach out to me privately and I will be glad connect you with the right person.
There will be optional opportunities to gather in family small groups/"apostolates" in person if desired every once in awhile. We will add very slowly and follow your family lead on this.
Lastly – a note on fees for this year – 2024-25 (Coming Soon)
We have missed you. A lot. But we are finding more and more this is also a time that is inviting us to both return to basics and also make some things new. Including your family and our parish – so despite some of the hard things – we know God is here -- and we are ready to walk with you and your families this year as we encounter the person of Jesus together in both familiar and new ways!
Welcome to School of Sainthood! But really -- you're already here! :)
You are always welcome to share this information or to email Colleen directly with questions or concerns.
In Him Who has #Ransomed us,
[email protected]